Tuesday, September 30, 2008

First Lactic and Excuses

Sat September 27 - 90 min
8 pace 25s
8 underwater kick 25s Fly
4x100 1:30 - 57 / 57 / 57 / 56 worked way too hard for times
8x100 50 kick / 50 pace swim @ 26-27

Sun September 28
First Lactic / Dive set of this season + my list of excuses:

List of excuses:
- Lifting Heavy which just kills my swimming
- First time in 2 1/2 month going off the blocks
- Sunday early in the morning is not an ideal time to swim fast
- it's pretty much the first workout before noon all season.
- no fast skin - just old skin
- did I mention that the lifting makes me tired

Set = all on 6-7 minutes - yards - from a dive
150 - descend each 50 - 1:22.0
100 - all-out 50.2
100 - all-out 50.2
50 - 23.0
50 - 22.7

Well - my stroke is all over the place, trying to change my turns to add underwaters which did not work at all, I have little to no speed and I am hoping to swim the yards time of today in meters 10 weeks from now. Nothing like a little reality check ...

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Deadlift is a deadly excecise

Friday - Sept 27 -
Swim - 50m - noon - 60 minutes - arms feel like bricks today from lifting
1200 aerobic set with a 400 in 4:41 (HR 150) -
700 easy tech with fins
3x50 pace 28-29

Lift Evening - Legs + Core
9 leg and core excercises - 3 sets - about 20 reps - strength endurance
The Deadlift - I have always read about the great results and power people get from the Deadlift excercise. Frankly, I always thought it was a little silly and overrated - oh how wrong I was. I have been doing some build-up excercises to the deadlift + even did some deadlifts with a cable pull machine -- but that is not even close to lifting the real thing. I put on 90 lbs on one of those guided long weight bars (not even sure the weight of the bar is even on me at full force) and tried the deadlift. This is not even the real deal - because the weight can not really move freely - but this excercise works sooo many muscles - it's just amazing. Back / shoulder / arms / butt / legs / core - and it's all not just used - it gets tired in a hurry. Not sure how this translates for swimming - but it sure is a srength builder without equal.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Trying to make up for a day off

Thursday - September 25

Noon swim - short-course meters - 95 min - posting total yards is a waste of time

I always always feel terrible after a day out of the water and today was no exception.

6x25s fast on 30-45s - clean and fast (not all out)
12x25 with parachute - increasing resistance - not fast - just trying to get used to swimming with the chute. Still this is very hard.
10 starts + underwaters > I want to do this 2x per week = 200+ starts and transitions
6 hard 10y under water on 30s
3 rounds -
10x25 kick medium pace
10x25 easy / fast on 20/25
4x 10 yards sprint on 1 minute

Make-up for missing workout yesterday - 60 min - yards
Just about 2000 easy aerobic - nothing more than 100 - slow swimming 1:00s on 100s
2x75 fast 39 and 38 - not all out, but also not easy

No swimming and a more detailed look at the weight routine

Wed - September 24th --- no swimming; we had work issues so the swim workout had to go. Full weightroom workout though in the evening.

Weights: 3 sets at 20 reps - upper body
> Lat pulls wide on a pull-up machine (you have weights underneath your feet to assist you in a pull-up) I like this better than the lat pull down machine, because you are moving your body instead of moving a weight
> Chest - One arm at a time on a big swiss ball in a bridge position with 40 lbs weight -- this is also a great core excercise --- I follow this up with one-arm push ups - still on my knees at the moment, I know, I am weak
> Row - One arm at a time, bent over with one knee on a bench and about 40 lbs weight -- again a great core excercise as well
> Delts - with a DB in each hand, I perform basically the recovery of a Breaststroke underwater pull; starting with the arms hanging a little in front of you, I move them up in front of my body and then switch at about shoulder height to get the hands under the weights and push them all the way up -- hope to do some more explosive Olympic style lifts later on - so this is prep for that
> Shoulder strength: 2 excercises both with more or less straight arms + both arms at the same time a) standing arms at your side and raise them up (like a butterfly arm pull - but not fast) and b) hold your arms straight in front of you shoulder height and move them back as far as possible -- BE WARNED, the amount of weight you can do on these is so little that I am embarrassed to even post it.
> Chest / Lat: Cross-over pulls - again with cable pull machine. This is a great excercise to try and learn that you should not pull wide and with a straight arm in Freestyle -- you are SO MUCH WEAKER going wide and with a straight arm
> Leg - groin machine going in and going out; yes, usually all the women do this one; but I am so weak in this area

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Clean Free

Tues, 9/23/2008 - shortcourse meters - 75 min (I will never post my yardage - it is meaningless) - 30 min alone + 45 min with SCAQ
Workout Goals: 1) Check recovery from weekend 2) Fly kicks, even if it is just for technique 3) Clean + easy Free swimming
> 16 min warm-up - my standard warm-up *I always do the same warm-up when starting alone
> 200 swim with 6 fly kicks off each wall * warming up for next set
> 5 streamline push-offs from bottom of the pool (about 14 feet) with as many fly kicks as possible by the time I reach highest point, which is about my waist level (4-5 kicks), then let yourself glide down and do the next (about 20sec for all), then add one streamline off the wall with SDK s at max speed > 4 rounds *I have to get better underwater and this is the best drill I have tried so far to gain speed in the kicks
> 12 starts with an easy 50 in between, trying to change the angle of my dive *I never get to practice my starts this was huge.
> Started feeling tired, 8x75 with SDK off each wall + 3 Fly pulls *Final hit on the Fly kicks
> 6x100 Free easy on 1:25 - feeling terrible by now 1:12 @ , time to call it a day * goal was just clean easy swimming with good technique, but I could not even do that
> 2x200 with zoomers 50 swim + 50 kick *always leave with a good techn. feel and zoomers always do the trick
Post Workout Goals: 1) Recovery is NOT there yet 2) good effort on the kicks 3) not enough energy to swim clean Free

EVENING: Full strength Session with Leg emphasis (75min) 3 sets of 20 reps
4 different core strength excercises (3 sets each)
Leg extension; Leg Curl; Good Mornings; Squats sitting; Romanian Deadlift; Swim Biceps, Triceps, Rotator muscles high 3 excer.
I will be VERY tired tomorrow ...


Like anything else in life - swim training starts with a goal. Goals can be very precise, like a specific time you are shooting for or a place you are attempting to reach at a certain meet. Goals can also be rather open - just getting faster, staying healthy, having fun.

I swim Masters and I have found that about 90% of the swimmers I meet do not have a real goal. They either want to get "in shape" or stay "in shape". If you ask what "in-shape" means, they really don't know. I am not sure why that is - but that may be a good subject for a future post.

Good Goal: It should be achievable but challenging; the time range should be close enough to "see it", but still allow you time to actually train; it should be easy to understand but complex to reach; you should tell people who are interested and ignore people who doubt you.

My Goal: PR in the 100 Free for Short-course meters at the Long Beach Regional Masters Meet = 50.20 from 1986 (and yes, of course I would love to break 50)